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5 Essential Crystals For Twin Flames

Twin Flame Crystals

5 Healing Crystals for the Twin Flame Journey

Twin Flame Crystals - Healing Crystals for the Twin Flame Journey.

Twin Flame Crystals

There are many healing crystals that can be helpful to the Twin Flame journey, as you experiment with Crystal healing you’ll find which crystals resonate with you and your Twin Flame relationship.

I’ve cultivated a list of some of the healing crystals that I believe to be the most beneficial to the Twin Flame journey and its various stages and challenges. I’ve found the crystals listed below to be of great help to me and my Twin Flame - and hopefully you will too!

(How to use the Law of Attraction to find your Twin Flame, discover more Here - How To Attract Your Twin Flame & Manifest Union)

5 Twin Flame Healing Crystals

1) Amethyst

Amethyst & Twin Flames

We kick off our list with Amethyst, a go-to crystal, essential in any collection. Combine it with Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz to form a trio of master crystals - a fundamental starting point if you're new to crystal healing.

Amethyst crystal for Twin Flame Crystal Healing.
Amethyst for Twin Flames

Amethyst brings peace to the Twin Flame connection

Amethyst can bring peace and tranquility to your Twin Flame relationship, aiding in creating balance and calm, as well as reducing anger and stress - all things that can arise during the more turbulent times throughout the Twin Flame journey.

Amethyst is also said to assist in opening the third eye and heightening psychic abilities, this can be very useful to Twin Flames looking to deepen their spiritual connection.

(Don’t forget to check out this month’s

Twin Flame Forecast!

Find this month’s reading Here -


2) Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz for Twin Flames

Rose Quartz is a master crystal and is full of loving vibes. It’s the original love stone and a good basic gemstone for Twin Flames.

Rose Quartz Twin Flame Crystal, enhances love and friend between Twin Flames.
Rose Quartz as a Twin Flame Crystal

Rose Quartz strengthens Twin Flame Love

Rose Quartz is a beautiful pink healing crystal, which aids love, peace & friendship for Twin Flames. Rose quartz represents unconditional love, self love, lovers, friendship, healing & comfort.

Known as the “Love Stone”,  Rose Quartz can strengthen bonds, aid in healing and helping to allow the open flow of love between Twin Flames. Its comforting and loving vibes makes Rose Quartz the perfect crystal for Twin Flames.


3) Rhodonite

Rhodonite Twin Flame Crystal

Rhodonite is a pink gemstone, slightly darker than Rose Quartz and often containing black swirls or patches throughout.

Rhodonite is a powerful healing stone, soothing old wounds and injecting love wherever it’s needed.

Rhodonite Twin Flame Crystal - Especially effective for Divine Feminine healing.
Rhodonite for the Divine Feminine Twin Flame

Rhodonite For Divine Feminine Healing

I’ve found Rhodonite to be especially effective at healing for the Divine Feminine. Its strong healing properties create feelings of warmth and comfort, relieving some of the hurt and sadness that can unfortunately arise throughout the Twin Flame Journey.

Rhodonite brings a sense of calm and balance, which can be very soothing and relaxing. Especially helpful during those hectic Twin Flame moments.

I believe that every Divine Feminine Twin Flame could benefit from wearing Rhodonite beads or by placing some in their bedroom, for me personally, Rhodonite is by far the most powerful healing crystal that I’ve worked with.

It’s also very comforting for those who have experienced trauma, grief or suffering.

My Rhodonite Jewellery From Buddha Stones!

Some beautiful Rhodonite Jewellery my Twin Flame bought for me, from Buddha Stones as part of their 3for2 offer.


4) Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Twin Flame Crystal

Lapis Lazuli is a gorgeous, deep blue healing crystal. Lapis is the stone of truth, communication, the throat chakra and awareness.

Lapis brings out honesty and truthfulness in the Twin Flame connection, which is especially useful when trying to get to the bottom of issues that arise between Twin Flames.

It aids communication, talking, confrontations and helps to prevent arguments and misunderstandings by keeping communication clear and truthful. Helping both Twin Flames to express their inner truths and feelings with courage.

Lapis Lazuli Twin Flame Crystal Healing - The Crystal of truth and honesty.
Lapis Lazuli and the Divine Masculine Twin Flame

Lapis Lazuli Empowers The Divine Masculine

A healing crystal which can be of great benefit to the Divine Masculine Twin Flame, Lapis Lazuli can help the Divine Masculine to express themselves, something which the Divine Masculine Twin Flame can often find more difficult than their Divine Feminine counterpart does.

Lapis Lazuli can help find the truth amongst lies and improve communication overall for Twin Flames, making it a very useful stone indeed.


5) Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz Twin Flame Crystal Healing

Clear Quartz is the ultimate master crystal, enhancing all other crystals that it works with. It Creates balance, revitalises and wards off negative energy.

Clear Quartz helps to promote emotional healing and aids in removing energy blocks and preventing stagnation. Ushering in light, rejuvenation and positivity.

Clear Quartz Twin Flame crystal healing benefits.
Clear Quartz Twin Flame Crystal

Clear Quartz for Twin Flame Progression

Clear Quartz’s amazing ability to get energy flowing can be very beneficial to the Twin Flame connection. Helping to bring about new phases and cycles, dispel negative energy and blocks and to ultimately help Twin Flames progress along their journey.

(Are Twin Flames Telepathic? Discover more Here - Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities)

Do you have any favourite Crystals?

Comment below which gemstones have been most helpful to you and your Twin Flame journey.

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