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5 Real Reasons Why You & Your Twin Flame Aren’t Together Right Now - Why Twin Flames Separate & Break up

5 Real Reasons Why You & Your Twin Flame Aren’t Together Right Now

5 Real Reasons Why You And Your Twin Flame Are In A Phase Of Separation At The Moment

5 Real Reasons Why Twin Flames Experience Separation & Break Ups

5 Real Reasons Why You & Your Twin Flame Aren’t Together Right Now

The Twin Flame journey can be filled with obstacles, lessons, ups, downs & challenges which ultimately leads to progress and union. Unfortunately, sometimes it can feel like we’re taking one step forward and two steps back but in the end Twin Flames are always destined to be together...

Here are 5 real reasons why you could be experiencing a phase of Twin Flame separation at the moment…

1) Twin Flames Are Guided Into Union With Divine Right Timing

The Twin Flame journey is always guided by divine right timing - It might sound mystical and mysterious but really it’s just a process (or multiple processes) of elements that all need to come into alignment at the same time.

Twin Flames will be guided together when they both have reached a place, spiritually and emotionally, where they have the best chance of making it and going the distance. The universe wants to see them succeed and reunite and knows the best way to get them there.

This is why it is so important to have faith during your Twin Flame journey, even through times of separation. Have trust that the universe is already doing all it can for you and the processes that will bring you together into full divine union are already taking place, all working perfectly behind the scenes to get you both to where you need to be, exactly when you need to be there. We just need to trust it.

Twin Flames And Divine Timing

2) Separation can be an important step in the Twin Flame journey

Many Twin Flames will go through a phase (or phases) of separation, usually during the early stages of the connection whilst the relationship is still developing, but it can happen at any time throughout the Twin Flame relationship.

“You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Til It’s Gone”

That old saying of “you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone” rings true for many Twin Flames and it can often be the case that one or both Twin Flames will choose to separate briefly, at some stage during the relationship.

It’s usually during this phase of separation that Twin Flames realise just how much they actually do want to be together, it gives them a chance to feel what life is like without you and to experience those feelings of being drawn back to you…even if they tried to move on, they can find themselves thinking of you and missing you, wondering how you are and what you’re up to, questioning whether or not they made the right decision. This can lead to that key moment of realisation - that you’re the one that they truly want to be with.

It’s best to allow your Twin Flame the space and freedom needed to discover for themselves just how important this connection is to them.

Sometimes this separation is permanent but do not fret, in the case that the person you thought was your Twin Flame decides it’s over for good, you’ll soon come to realise that they wasn’t actually your Twin Flame at all, just another lesson or experience that we needed to learn, in preparation for our actual Twin Flame relationship - Discover more about relationships that appear to be a Twin Flame Here - False Twin Flames & How to Identify Them.

When true Twin Flames experience separation, it never lasts forever. Some Twin Flame separations go on for longer than others, some can even be apart for years before they are ready to come back to each other and join in full union but they’ll always reconnect when the time is right.

Phases of separation can be a time of great progress for Twin Flames, both as a couple and as individuals. Even if it may feel like you’re experiencing some of the hardest times you’ve had to face, know that it’s also a time of deep spiritual progress and the wisdom and knowledge that you gain now, will be invaluable to you in the future.

(Don't forget to check out this month's Twin Flame Forecast before you go!...Find it Here - Monthly Twin Flame Forecasts)

3) You have more work to do before you’re ready for full Twin Flame Union to occur

There can be many reasons why the universe hasn’t brought you and your Twin Flame together into full divine union yet and this is one of the most important, as it’s where we have the most power and capability to create change - our own self & actions.

It might sound cliché but there could still be work you need to do before you’re ready for Twin Flame union, even if we truly and firmly believe that we’re ready now…it’s not always the case - especially if we’re not currently living the life that we want to be.

So stay open minded to the fact that we’re always learning and growing spiritually - that’s a journey that never ends, we never reach a point where there’s nothing left to learn. So it can be a big mistake to simply presume that we already know everything that we need to know now.

The Twin Flame relationship doesn’t mess about, it’s full on, intense and overwhelming at times and the universe will want us to have reached a place where we can handle what the Twin Flame connection will throw our way.

Be under no illusions - Twin Flame relationships aren’t easy. Meeting your Twin Flame is just the beginning, the real tough stuff comes after the relationship has started and the pair begin to tackle old cycles of karma, obstacles, lessons and many phases of spiritual growth together.

It simply wouldn’t be fair for the universe to put us in that situation without being ready for it, it would just be setting us up for failure and that’s not how the universe works - it always wants to give us the best possible chances for success.

There could be so much more for you to enjoy, learn, explore and experience in life first before you’re thrown full on into this journey - that’ll all have a place and a purpose in how you’ll eventually go on to unite with your Twin Flame.

We just can’t always see it or know it until later on in life when we’re reflecting back on all of the wonderful and unpredictable events that took place when we met our Twin Flame.

Be happy and confident in where you’re at in your Twin Flame journey, don’t focus on them and when you’ll be together again, focus on the here & now - being happy and living your best life, knowing that everything you do and achieve now is all bringing you closer to Twin Flame Union.

(Avoid these easy-to-make mistakes in your Twin Flame relationship!...Discover more Here - 15 Common Mistakes Twin Flames Make When They Reunite In This Lifetime)

4) Your Twin Flame Hasn’t Spiritually Matured Enough Yet To Reach Full Union

Remember, it takes two to tango and you may be ready, willing and waiting but your Twin Flame might not be quite there yet.

The Twin Flame journey is all about spiritual growth and although it’s true that Twin Flames do a large amount of learning and growing together when they reunite, there is also much to do before they reach that point.

Both Twin Flames will go through a phase of spiritual awakening or a heightened spiritual awareness around the time that they meet and embark on their Twin Flame relationship, but we also have free will and it can be very easy to simply turn a blind eye to what we’re seeing or feeling, especially if it seems difficult.

If our Twin Flame is reluctant to face their soul work, to give in to growth, neglects their spirituality or simply chooses to ignore where they’re being guided, either out of fear, laziness or immaturity… it can slow the process down a little but the universe will eventually open their eyes to the Twin Flame connection and to their spiritual selves, it just might have to work a little harder to do so.

Even if our Twin Flame is also ready, willing and able, there may still be lessons and experiences that they need to go through before they are fully ready to enter Twin Flame union.

Have faith and patience with them, learning spiritual lessons isn’t easy and everyone must go at their own pace. Sometimes you’ll need your space to grow and sometimes your Twin Flame will need some space too, try not to take it too personally, usually what they are experiencing can have nothing to do with us and everything to do with their own lessons and spiritual journey.

Be there for them as a friend if you can and if it’s appropriate to, just offering your support if they need it will mean a lot to them and it’s important that Twin Flames establish a good, solid friendship with each other too. Sometimes it’s during these times of separation that the friendship between Twin Flames can really grow and blossom.

Twin Flame Karma

5) Twin Flames Separated By Karma

Another reason why you may be experiencing a phase of separation right now could be entirely Karmic. Both you and your Twin Flame may have done everything that you need to do, completed soul work, lessons, overcome obstacle’s etc - but if there’s unfinished cycles of karma still to be dealt with then the struggle might not be quite over yet.

Do not fear karma, even if you feel like there’s times that you may have done the wrong thing or not behaved exactly how you wish you had. Nobody is perfect all of the time and the universe knows this, it knows when we try our best and knows when we feel regret or guilt…you don’t need to worry that bad things will happen, this isn’t what the universe wants.

The best way to tackle old karma is to simply accept it, without fear or worry. If we can just accept the times where we’ve done wrong, throw up our hands and admit our failings and get it out there (even just privately to ourselves when we’re alone) we can begin to let go of that guilt or the negative feelings that come with it and hand it over to the universe.

The universe can then get to work doing whatever it needs to do to heal, clear and balance these areas and it’ll always try to take us down the smoothest, easiest and kindest path possible when we come from a place of acceptance, willingness and self-forgiveness.

Karma tends to only get harder on us if we remain ignorant, reluctant to accept our part, unwilling to change, are unapologetic or if we are unkind or callous to others (which I’m sure nobody reading this post is) so you really don’t need to worry about karma bringing bad things your way because it’ll always be doing its best to guide and support us in as nice a way as possible, when we work hand in hand together with karma.

As Twin Flames may have spent many lifetimes together already, there’s a good chance that you could be experiencing and playing out cycles of karma that didn’t even begin in this lifetime. I know it sounds unfair and we might feel like we’re taking the brunt for something that we can’t even remember but don’t forget that the universe will know and understand that too.

Just your willingness and acceptance is enough to show the universe your humble understanding and wisdom - and that’s enough to push and progress you through these old karmic cycles and finish them once and for all.

Thank you so much for reading, there’s so much more that could be said on these subjects but I feel this post was getting too long already, please feel free to let me know if there’s anything in particular that you’d like me to go into more detail about.

Thanks again and as always - sending you light and unconditional love on your Twin Flame journey xxx


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