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The Divine Masculine And Divine Feminine Twin Flame Concept Debunked

The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Twin Flame Souls, embracing in the cosmos.

The True Meaning Of The Divine Masculine And Divine Feminine

Twin Flame Concept

Debunking the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine

There are many elements of the Twin Flame connection that can cause confusion or misunderstandings, The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is just one of them. The DM/DF concept has been misunderstood or taken far too literally for far too long.

What does the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine have to do with Twin Flames?

It is said that Twin Flames originate as one single soul that then splits into two halves, creating the Twin Flame pair. This pair of newly individual souls then embark on their journeys until it’s time for them to eventually find their way back to each other and reunite.

(Don’t forget to check out this month’s

Twin Flame Forecast!

Find this month’s reading

It’s widely publicised that when the original soul split, it did so by separating into two gendered halves one consisting of male energy and one of female energy - The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

Unfortunately there’s some big problems with this theory, it’s not quite as simple as a 50/50 male/female split. There’s no definitive rule that Twin Flames must be born a biological male and biological female.

The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Gender Myth

The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine doesn’t actually have much to do with a persons gender at all. A soul who was born male could have mostly female energy and vice versa or anything in between. Your biological sex, sexual orientation, physical self, your energy etc will all match and balance your Twin Flame perfectly, regardless.

Every soul is made up of an incomparable mix of Divine Masculine AND Divine Feminine energy, that is completely unique to them.

The Divine Feminine Twin Flame Soul also has a mixture of Divine Masculine Energy.

Every soul has a share of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy

The above image is an example of a possible Divine Feminine Twin Flame soul, it shows the soul is made up of 60% feminine energy and 40% masculine energy but of course this number could be any percentage of either energy, all the way from 0% right up to 100%.

The Divine Masculine Twin Flame soul energy example.

Likewise, the Divine Masculine Twin Flame will most likely have elements of feminine energy too. The example above shows an 85% masculine and 15% feminine energy mix - but this is purely an example and again could be any combination from 0-100%.

Although it’s certainly not impossible for a soul to consist of 100% Masculine or 100% Feminine energy, I think it would be quite rare. The range would most likely fall somewhere between 10-90% of either energy.

(Are Twin Flames Telepathic? Discover more Here - Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities)

Twin Flame Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energy Balance

Twin Flames are each others divine counterparts regardless of whether one or both of them identify as either the Divine Masculine or the Divine Feminine.

Whatever mix of energy you have will come into perfect harmony with your Twin Flame. The diagram below is an example of this - the scales are perfectly balanced.

Twin Flame Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energy Scales, balancing each other perfectly.
Twin Flame Energy Scales

Twin Flames Balance The Scales

The diagram above is just an example of how Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy can be dispersed amongst Twin Flame couples. Each pair of Twin Flames are unique with their own individual energy make up, incomparable to any other couple on earth.

Don’t worry if you think that you and your Twin Flame might be out of balance right now, as Twin Flames don’t necessarily start out perfectly matched. Here’s where the Twin Flame journey comes into play.

The Twin Flame souls will begin closely matched, with complimenting, well-balanced energy, making them compatible - but it’s only after they meet and progress with their Twin Flame journey that they’ll really begin to come into alignment with each other.

Twin Flames will bring to the surface to heal, honour, push and support the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine essence within each other.

As the Twin Flames go through their experiences, lessons and journey, their souls and higher selves will push and guide them towards balance, equality and harmony. It’s all a part of the journey back to union and to unconditional love.

(Using the Law of Attraction to find your Twin Flame, discover more Here - How To Attract Your Twin Flame & Manifest Union)

The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energy Within Twin Flames

Twin Flames are each others Divine Counterpart and they’ll both grow and progress together, healing and supporting each other whilst learning how to balance their energies.

After meeting, the Twin Flames will begin the hard task of learning lessons, resolving past karma, healing, nurturing, forgiving, accepting etc until their souls have gained all of the knowledge and wisdom that was needed to bring them back into unconditional love - every step of the way will tip the scales closer, until their perfect equilibrium is reached.

Twin Flames Reach Full Union

When Twin Flames reach full union and have achieved what they needed to, their souls will complete each others - Their Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energy will reconnect, creating one whole soul again.

x Thank you for reading x

Sending you light and love


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