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Embodying Unconditional Love Exercise

Embodying Unconditional Love

Embodying unconditional love text with image of watercolour person meditating with a heart

Exercise To Embody Unconditional Love

Do you ever just wish you could have a little injection of pure love, an instant boost of that beautiful feeling?… This exercise will help you to embody unconditional love.

When we are not feeling our best, taking some time out to embody unconditional love can work miracles for the mind, body and soul. Love is a very high vibration and resonating with pure unconditional love can bring many blessings into your life.

Embodying Unconditional Love Exercise -

This simple exercise can take as little as 10 minutes and can last for as long as you like.

1) A Quiet Place

Start by finding a quiet place, where you can be comfortable and undisturbed.

You can be as basic or as creative as you like, you could include relaxing or meditative music, incense and candles or just simply sit in your favourite chair or try this exercise in bed before you fall asleep at night.

2) Relax

Take the time to relax your body, get yourself into a comfortable position, close your eyes and clear your mind.

Take 10 deep breaths, slowly inhale deep down into the pit of your stomach and as you exhale feel your stomach draw closer to your body as it forces the air out.

3) Find Your Love Force

Focus on something or someone for which you have a great amount of love for. This could be a parent, grandparent, child, partner, sibling, pet or even an object which you love dearly. See that person or object in your mind, visualise as many details or good memories as possible and try to include all of your senses - how they look, feel, smell, sound etc.

Example - I often think back to when I was a little girl, running into my grandads open arms. I can feel his rough whiskers rub against my cheek, I can smell his aftershave and hear his loving words vividly in mind. It’s a moment in time when I felt completely loved, cherished and safe.

Pretty purple galaxy heart representing unconditional love

4) Visualise

Now you have a clear vision of what you feel deep love for, don't let any negativity or past conflicts creep into your thoughts. Keep your focus on all that you love about the person/object, the things that make them precious to you, those cherished moments that make your heart swell with love and joy.

5) Love Floods In

Allow a wave of love to wash over you, allow those feelings, memories and moments to fill your entire being. Feel the energy of love cycle through and radiate from your body. You are now embodying unconditional love, you can stay and enjoy that feeling for as long as you wish, then when you’re ready go and enjoy the rest of your day.

x Thank you for reading x


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