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How To Use A Pendulum In 5 Easy Steps

How To Use A Pendulum - The Quick & Simple Starter Guide To Pendulum Divination

How to use a pendulum in 5 easy steps.

How To Use A Pendulum In 5 Easy Steps

Step 1. Finding a Pendulum

Pendulums are available in a wide selection of shapes, sizes and colours. They can be made from wood, metal and most commonly - crystals and gemstones like amethyst, quartz & rose quartz.

When choosing your pendulum it’s best to find one that you feel most drawn and attracted to or choose a crystal that you feel strongly connected with. It can be helpful to purchase your pendulum in person from your local new age shop if you have one, that way you can hold them and get a feel for the different styles available. If not, there are plenty of stores online stocking a large array of pendulums to choose from.

Step 2. Connecting with your Pendulum

Now that you have your perfect pendulum, it’s time to start connecting with it. It can be helpful to keep your new pendulum on you or close-by at the start, to help build your connection.

After cleaning your newly purchased pendulum, you could keep it in your pocket or bag, place it on your desk or sleep with it on your bedside for the first few days - be sure to hold and feel it often in that time.

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Step 3. Calibrating your Pendulum / Finding your Yes/No baseline

After you’ve spent some time connecting with your Pendulum you can discover your Yes/No baseline. This will represent what answer the pendulum is indicating when you ask it a question.

To start, hold your pendulum out in front of you and place your other hand a couple of inches below it, position your hand so that it is palm up and allow your pendulum to dangle freely over the centre of your palm, like in the image below…

How to use a pendulum - hold your pendulum directly above your open palm.

Now, clearly ask your pendulum to show you yes - you can do this by simply speaking to your pendulum and asking…“Show me yes”… you may have to wait a moment and repeat your request, confidently and clearly until you see your pendulum react.

Take note of how your pendulum behaves - it may spin or circle clockwise or anticlockwise, swing from side to side or back and forth. However it responds is how your pendulum will indicate a Yes answer. Thank your pendulum for showing you yes and repeat to find your No indication.

Now ask your pendulum to show you No, hold it back above your palm and clearly ask…”show me no” and again, take note of how your pendulum responds and thank your pendulum for its answer afterwards.

Step 4. Pendulum Test Questions

Once you’ve discovered what your Yes/No indicators are, you can try a few simple practice questions…things that you already know the answer to like:

“Is it raining outside?”

“Are my eyes blue?”

“Is my name _____?” Etc…

Your pendulum should indicate an answer, displaying its action for Yes or No in the same way it showed you in Step 3.

You may need to repeat your question a couple of times until your pendulum reacts - if your pendulum displays a mixture of reactions you can always ask it show you more clearly by confidently asking “answer clearer”.

If you’re still receiving mixed indications then go back to Step 3 and recalibrate your pendulum to reaffirm your Yes/No indicators. If you’re getting clear and correct answers from your pendulum after a few practice questions, then continue on to the final step.

Step 5. Ask your Pendulum a Question

Now that you’re fully connected to and are getting clear indications from your pendulum - you can start to ask your divination questions.

Start slowly and just focus on one question at a time. Try to get to the core of what you would like to ask and break your question down into its most simplified form - remember that your pendulum can only answer with a Yes or No, so keep that in mind when you’re composing your questions.

If at any time you feel like you’re losing your link to your pendulum or you begin to get mixed or unclear answers, you can go back to the previous steps in this post and quickly regain your connection.

Alternatively, You Can Use A Pendulum Board

As an optional extra or alternative to holding your pendulum above your hand, you could choose to use a pendulum board for divination instead.

A pendulum board has the answers clearly marked out and can be used in the same way as the steps above describe but whilst holding your pendulum over the centre of the divination board, instead of over your open palm. You may wish to try both to discover which method is more effective for you.

Pendulum board for divination.

x Thank you for reading x

Sending you light and unconditional love on your journey.


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