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July Twin Flame Forecast - July 2024

July Twin Flame Forecast - July 1st 2024

Date: July 1st 2024

July Twin Flame Forecast - July 2024 Twin Flame Reading

July Twin Flame Reading - July 2024

Happy Midsummer, what a glorious time of year it is… July brings its blistering heat, hazy evenings and scorching sunshine. Creating beautiful sunsets and summer skies… but the intensity of the summer sun can also have its down sides - dehydration, exhaustion, mind fog and the dangers of extreme heat. So please keep yourselves and those you love safe this summer, remember to stay hydrated and do what you can to keep cool, especially if you’re experiencing a heatwave.

With that said, it’s set to be an exciting month for Twin Flames, with developments and achievements happening for both couples who have already reconnected and for those who are still yet to meet. It’s also a time of great personal growth for Twin Flames as individuals, which will ultimately benefit the connection in the long term…

July 2024 Twin Flame Themes:

Full Moon in Capricorn, The Buck Moon, Substantial growth, Reaching new peaks, Connecting to the Cosmos, Starseeds, Rejuvenation, New Opportunities & Achievements, Cycles coming to completion, Rewards & Results, Self-Growth, Progress & New Inspiration…

Twin Flames and the Buck Moon July 2024 - Twin Flames and the Full Moon in Capricorn

Twin Flames & The Buck Moon - Full Moon In Capricorn On July 21st

This month’s Full Moon is on July 21st and falls in Capricorn, July’s Full Moon is known as the “Buck Moon” because it appears at the time of year where deers have fully grown antlers. It has also been called the “Thunder Moon” as this time of year can bring many thunderstorms and erratic weather patterns along with the intense heat.

Twin Flames may experience similar moments of chaos and upheaval as the universe seeks to bring everything into alignment that’s needed for long term progress. If June felt like the “calm before the storm” then July is going to be like standing in the eye of the storm, at its peak. But stand fearless in the knowledge that the strong winds of change are bringing new insights and blessings your way… (Metaphorically speaking of course if there’s an actual storm, please seek shelter!)

Just like the Buck, the cycle of growth you’ve been on over the last year is coming to fruition now, this might mark the end of certain phases or lessons you’ve been experiencing in recent times and open new doors or pathways into the future, as well as providing the rewards and results you’ve been working towards.

(Are you going through a phase of separation from your Twin Flame? If so, you might find this post helpful - 5 Real Reasons Why Twin Flames Experience Separation…)

Twin Flames Experiencing A Phase Of Individual Progress

This phase of fruition is most likely to be experienced by Twin Flames as individuals, as part of their own personal journey… but the results and achievements that you acquire now, even just in a spiritual sense, are all a part of your Twin Flame journey too. The universe is always helping us to grow, learn and evolve so that we are in the best position possible to reconnect with our Twin Flame in sacred union and pure unconditional love.

The Moon Nears Mars, The Pleiades and Jupiter - Strengthening Twin Flame’s Connection To The Cosmos

Between July 1st and July 4th our moon nears Mars, The Pleiades Star Cluster & Jupiter whilst in its waning crescent phase. Illuminating their presence in the cosmos and strengthening our connection to the otherworldly planets and stars beyond the earth’s atmosphere.

This may create feelings, that I can only try to describe as slight feelings of lightness, airiness, elation, ungroundedness, expansion of consciousness, heightened feelings of being one with the universe and feelings of deep connection to the cosmos.

Instead of feeling that heavy pull to the earth’s core, like how we may feel when we connect and ground ourselves to the earth during meditation for example… it’ll feel more like being welcomed and drawn out into the wider universe, the ‘above’ instead of the ‘below’.

This new feeling of lightness and connection to the universe goes beyond the subtleties and energy shifts you may have picked up on before and may even bring new insights, inspirations and ideas with it as our moon nears and strengthens our link to some of the fascinating neighbouring planets and star systems, that are all around us.

As you can imagine, this strengthened connection to the cosmos is also an exciting and insightful time for Starseeds…

(Do strange things happen when you’re around your Twin Flame? - Take the poll and check out these common Twin Flame Psychic Abilities Here - Twin Flames, Telepathy & Psychic Abilities…)

Twin Flames and Starseeds

Twin Flames & Starseeds

There’s so much to be said on Twin Flames & Starseeds that I’ll write a separate blog post on the subject… but I still wanted to mention a couple of things here as it’s set to be an important time for Starseeds this month, right from the get go.

Many Twin Flames appear to also be Starseeds but this isn’t a clear cut rule. Not all Twin Flames are Starseeds and not all Starseeds have incarnated to reconnect with their Twin Flame. The two can have completely separate missions and goals to accomplish during their time here on earth.

But one thing that Twin Flames and Starseeds do have in common is that they’re all here to help raise earths consciousness and help humanity find its way back to pure unconditional love… Twin Flames do this with the intense high vibrations and energy of their connection.

The strengthening of our connection to the cosmos in early July could make this an important time for Twin Flames, Starseeds and their missions for unconditional love. Big steps might unfold that send them striving forward into new phases or cycles and finishing or accomplishing old ones.

Twin Flames Reaching New Heights

July is full of new experiences, insights and inspirations for Twin Flames and as everything seems to be coming together for you both as individuals, the joy and happiness you feel will spill over into the relationship as well.

So, take a moment to celebrate all of your achievements and successes this year so far, looking back over 2024, I’m sure you’ll have been through many challenges - physically, emotionally and spiritually.  There would have been times where you’d have had to use every tool in your tool chest - courage, strength, integrity, intelligence, compassion, empathy, intuition etc… and I’m sure with each of those times you’d had learned something valuable, either about yourself, another or the world around you… and most importantly, you didn’t give up!

We deserve to celebrate these victories, the lessons we’ve learnt (often the hard way if you’re like me!) have all helped us to grow and evolve as people and push us forward on our journeys. So it’s ok to celebrate the seemingly small victories that we experience… they soon lead to bigger and bigger triumphs, both personally and in the Twin Flame relationship.

Thank you so much for reading July’s Twin Flame forecast, Sending you unconditional love and light on your Twin Flame journey xXx

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