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October Twin Flame Forecast - October 2024

October Twin Flame Forecast - October 2024

Date: October 1st 2024

October Twin Flame Forecast - October 2024 Twin Flame Reading

October Twin Flame Reading - October 2024

There’s a lot going on for Twin Flames this October!… from Earth gaining a temporary Mini-Moon to an Annular Solar Eclipse, Halloween and so much more…

October 2024 Twin Flame Themes:

Asteroid 2024 PT5 & Earth’s Temporary Mini-Moon, The Solar Eclipse, Shadow work, The Hunters Moon - Full Supermoon In Aries, Samhain & Halloween, Energy Shifts, Desire, Merging Of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine, Justice, Balance & Harmony…

Twin Flames & The Solar Eclipse On October 2nd - The Ring Of Fire

The second Solar Eclipse of the year is taking place on October 2nd 2024, this is an annular Solar Eclipse and is also referred to as “the ring of fire”… as the Moon glides in front of our Sun, casting a shadow across large parts of the southern hemisphere and creating what appears like a fiery ring around the Moon…

The Eclipse brings energy shifts and transformations into the Twin Flame connection, pushing for a spiritual recalibration between Twin Flames and how their energy is distributed and shared.

The October 2nd Solar Eclipse falls in the Zodiac of Libra, which may bring any feelings of injustice and inequality within the Twin Flame relationship to a head, in order to be resolved and released.

Libra’s energies also emphasise the importance of unconditional love within the Twin Flame relationship and highlights how vital working together and forming a partnership can be.

Twin Flame’s Power Of Manifestation Is Heightened During The Solar Eclipse

Twin Flame’s power of manifestation may become heightened during the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd 2024 - So don’t forget to make a wish!

It’s the perfect time to do some deep visualisations and set new intentions for you and your Twin Flame relationship.

(Check out this ultimate Twin Flame manifestation guide Here - How To Attract Your Twin Flame & Manifest Union)

Merging Of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine - October Twin Flame Forecast

Twin Flame Merging Of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine

It’s a time of great recalibration for the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energy that resides within us all, as each of us are made of a sacred mixture of both of these divine energies… which go through shifts and rejiggles until they reach a place of harmony with your Twin Flame…

(Learn more about the Divine Masculine & Feminine energy between Twin Flames Here - The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Twin Flame Concept Debunked)

You may feel these energies shifting or experience emotional ups and downs, changes in dynamics or points of view as a phase of balancing takes place between Twin Flames, all to bring you further into alignment with each other.

Twin Flames & Earth’s Temporary Mini-Moon Asteroid 2024 PT5

Throughout all of October we are blessed with another miraculous wonder - Earth gaining a second Moon!

Asteroid 2024 PT5 enters the Earth’s orbit on September 29th, becoming a temporary Mini-Moon and it’s set to stay with us until November 25th…

Asteroid 2024 PT5 unleashes the powerful energies of our Sun into the Twin Flame connection, as well as bringing unresolved issues around ego and unfinished shadow work to the surface… Check out this deep dive on how it effects the Twin Flame Connection Here - Twin Flames & Earth’s Mini-Moon

Twin Flames & The Full Supermoon In Aries, The Hunter’s Moon - October Twin Flame Forecast - October 2024

Twin Flames Under The Full Supermoon In Aries - The Hunters Moon

On October 17th there’ll be a Full Supermoon shining brightly in the night sky, casting its silvery glow on to the Twin Flame connection…

October’s Full Moon is also known as the Hunter’s Moon, signifying the time when our ancient ancestors would use the powerful moonlight to hunt, ensuring enough food to get through the harsh winter months.

The energies of the Full Moon are amplified by it being a Supermoon, flooding the Twin Flame connection with encouragement and motivation to press forward…

It’s a time of releasing that which no longer serves you & your Twin Flame relationship, releasing fear and taking back control of where you’re headed and embracing leadership and ownership over your life.

Twin Flames may also feel a calling towards action, adventure, curiosity and exploration… reminding us that there’s always more to see and experience.

Twin Flames Wants, Needs & Desires

Throughout October, Twin Flames are also reminded of their own wants & needs, as thoughts and feelings that have been building up or being neglected refuse to be ignored any longer…

Having any wants or needs of our own is often portrayed in a negative way… making us feel too guilty or ashamed to have any earthly desires… but this isn’t how it was supposed to be, you don’t need to feel ashamed of the things that you want… as that’s what you feel drawn or guided to and what your mind/body/soul is calling out for right now.

Twin Flames may find themselves in inner turmoil as they attempt to battle their inner desires and balance their wants and needs with that of their Twin Flames… but this shouldn’t be as difficult as you may anticipate, as more often than not, Twin Flames deepest desires will match up and complement each other’s perfectly.

(Unleash Your Twin Flame Supernatural Powers With These Halloween Activities Here - Twin Flame Halloween Activities)

Twin Flames Celebrating Samhain & Halloween - October Twin Flame Forecast October 2024

Twin Flames Celebrating Samhain & Halloween

October 31st is Samhain, a pagan festival celebrating the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter.

Some of the old Samhain traditions to ward off evil spirits gradually evolved into our modern day Halloween celebrations. Giving this fun and much loved holiday, roots that span back over 2000 years…

It’s a perfect time for cleansing and clearing rituals, with the intention to clear any stagnant or negative energy that’s hindering your Twin Flame journey.

The Veil Is Thinned For Twin Flames

During Samhain & Halloween, the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest than at any other time of the year…

You may feel more in touch with the spirit realm, your intuition or experience heightened psychic abilities…

(Have you experienced psychic phenomenon with your Twin Flame?…Take the poll and discover more Here - Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities)

It’s a good time for divination, visualisation, manifesting & magick…

You may feel more deeply connected intuitively to your Twin Flame during this time, bringing the two of you closer together and improving your understanding and awareness of each other’s feelings & perspectives.

Thank you for reading, sending you light and unconditional love on your Twin Flame journey xXx


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