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The Magic Of Your Menstrual Cycle - Discover The Power Of Your Period

The Secret Spiritual Power Of Your Period

Discover The Magic of your Menstrual Cycle

Period Power - The Magic Of Menstruation - Discover the spiritual meaning of the menstrual cycle and what magical benefits our period can bring…

The Secret Spiritual Power Of Your Period

What happens Spiritually during your period, ovulation and menstruation?

It’s reached that awkward and often painful time of the month again that us ladies have come to loathe - the dreaded period!

Biologically our period is a miraculous, important and natural female bodily function, that plays a crucial role in reproduction by removing and replacing the lining of the uterus every month. This can leave us feeling drained, bloated, crampy, uncomfortable, emotional and many more wide and varying feelings and sensations. It can become a time that we dread and hate but really it’s a perfect opportunity to tune in with Mother Nature and the universe.

That’s what happens physically during our period…but what happens spiritually during our menstrual cycle?…

The Menstrual Cycle and its Spiritual Meaning. Discover the spiritual meanings of your period, ovulation and cycle.
The Spiritual Properties Of The Menstrual Cycle - Use when planning your Magic/Spiritual practices

The Secret Spiritual Power Of Your Period

Your Period Is A Time Of Renewal & Rejuvenation

The phrase “out with the old and in with the new” comes to mind!

Our period is a time of renewal and rejuvenation - physically, emotionally & spiritually.

Throughout our period our souls will push to rid us of old negative energy, karma and cycles that no longer serve us, in preparation for the new beginnings and experiences that are going to come our way.

It’s time to let go of old, negative or unhelpful ways and strive towards progress, with a renewed sense of confidence and motivation.

Practice self care and take time to nurture your soul and create calm and peaceful moments throughout your period -  it’s a perfect time to meditate and usher in some inner calm.

Soul Purging & Healing During Menstruation

Old wounds may open and past hurts may come up to be healed around the time of your period. It’s part of your natural cycle and not something you should feel bad about. If something is bothering us or effecting us deep down, it’s likely to come out now.

Not only are our emotions heightened from hormones and our cycle, but intuitively we know we don’t want to keep on carrying these feelings…not into another month, not into another cycle, not ever. It’s our souls way of trying to rid itself of these past hurts and seeking the healing and release that they crave.

Emotional & Energy Clearing

It’s well known that our period can make us a little emotional at times… but usually, behind those heightened emotions are some very real, deep and impactful thoughts & feelings.

Sometimes we can feel irritable, stressed-out or sadness, we can get tearful but our tears can also be very cleansing, all helping to release and heal those things that bring us down. The act of “letting it all out” ultimately leads to clearing those emotional and spiritual blocks to happiness.

Heightened Creativity During Your Period

Have you noticed that you get more creative during your periods?

Sometimes our periods can create a kind of mental fog, making it hard to think clearly - or at least it can start out that way…but once that fog clears (usually once our period gets going around the first or second full day of menstruation) a wave of inspiration and creative energy can rush in.

This creative energy can be so powerful that new ideas can be born, writers block can disappear, inspiration pops up all around you and masterpieces of all types can come into creation.

Embrace this heightened time of creativity that menstruation brings by expressing yourself in the ways which you most enjoy - whether it be: music, dance, painting, writing, creating new projects, blogging, inventing, problem solving etc.

If you’re an artist, you may find yourself producing some of your best work during your period (or at least coming up with the concept, even if the hard work came later) so don’t underestimate your capabilities, you can do some of the greatest things while you’re on your period - even if physically you might not feel your best.

If you’ve been stuck for ideas or feeling stagnant, you may start being flooded with new thoughts, ideas, projects and concepts during your menstrual cycle, so keep a pen and paper (or a new notes page) handy.

The Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra Are Activated During Menstruation…

Menstruation Activates The Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra

The menstrual cycle is closely connected to the Root Chakra and Sacral Chakra. They can be activated and remain active at and around the time of your period. It can be a good time to do some Chakra clearing exercises or meditations.

The Root Chakra can help us feel more grounded and connected to the universe and together as one. Whereas the Sacral Chakra can awaken our creativity and sensuality. Both boosting what is already a deeply intuitive and inspiring time.

The Veil Is Thinned During Menstruation - Channelling, Magic, Divination & Spiritual Work Becomes Easier

Your connection to the universe, spirit, your intuition and guides is strengthened during your period, you may find yourself channelling effortlessly at and around the time of menstruation.

Just like your creative flow will increase, so will the information and inspiration you’re channelling from the universe. Our period brings us closer to nature and heightens our primal instincts and feelings.

It’s a perfect time for meditation, connecting to your spirit guides, divination, spells, rituals, spiritual practices and whatever other ways you like to interact and connect with the universe.

You may find that any magic, intentions and manifestations you make during your period, are extra potent and powerful.

Heightened Psychic Connection & Abilities During Ovulation & Menstruation

Ovulation is a short but powerful time, your psychic abilities and intuition may be at their peak during this part of your cycle, making it the ideal time for magic and manifestations…

Some women experience ovulation pain or a strange “popping” sensation when ovulation occurs but sometimes ovulation can pass by unnoticed, if you’d like to make the most of this magical time it can be a good idea to keep a period tracker or diary (if you don’t do so already) most period trackers will indicate roughly when ovulation should occur in your cycle.

I’ve found my period calendar/tracker to be a growingly useful tool when scheduling/planning my magic & spiritual practices, helping me to work with my body and natural cycles for best results.

A similar heightened connection to the universe also occurs during menstruation, as our bodies undergo its physical natural cycles, it’s a time when we work closely with Mother Nature as she has a firm grip on our insides, our interactions with nature and the universe are very strong around this time.

Our Period Is A Blessing & Something To Be Grateful For…

We may have come to dread or dislike our periods - yes, I know they can be inconvenient and uncomfortable and at times they’re outright painful… but at the same time we can feel deep gratitude for this beautiful process that keeps our bodies healthy.

I used to dread it when I got my period and think “oh no, not again…not now!”… but I’ve started to say a little thank you to the universe and express gratitude instead.

I’m lucky that my body goes through this process and I feel much more positive about my period in general, it’s time that the stigma, shame, stress and worry was removed from the cycle and so we can begin to appreciate, use and embrace this magical time in the best way we can.

Fight Period Poverty

Did you know that there are millions of women and girls around the world who struggle to access period products every single month?…

You can find more information or ways that you can help on the following websites:

Thank you so much for reading, sending you light and love on your journey x


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