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The Twin Flame Mirror - What Are You Reflecting?

1111 on a mirror to represent the Twin Flame Connection

The Twin Flame Mirror

When Twin Flames (also known as Twin Souls or Mirror Souls) meet in this lifetime, they can accelerate our spiritual awakening. Those who are destined to meet and unite with their Twin Flame will find that their twin can be a catalyst and partner throughout their own personal journey and soul growth.

One of the ways our Twin Flame can have such an impact on us, is by means of the Twin Flame mirror.

Normally both twins are unaware of the Twin Flame mirror or at the beginning of their relationship, they may not even be aware of how deeply connected they are or the process may start before they even meet.

(Using the Law of Attraction to find your Twin Flame, discover more Here - How To Attract Your Twin Flame & Manifest Union)

Twin Flame Signs & Synchronicities

It can take years for both Twin Flames to notice all of the signs, synchronicities and divinely timed coincidences that eventually get us to that eureka moment or thought of “wow, we really are meant to be”, “we must be Twin Flames”.

That part of the journey is usually the fun part, meeting your Twin Flame and experiencing the magic of your connection is a wonderful time for Twin Souls but the journey is all about learning and spiritual growth. So while we are having the romance of our lives and feeling like we are about to live happily ever after, our souls are gearing up for the mission of a lifetime and the Twin Flame Mirror begins.

Twin Flames Reflecting Back To Each Other

Both yours and your Twin Flame's soul will mirror each other perfectly. Everything will be reflected, the good, the bad and the ugly. The effect of the Twin Flame mirror can be so intense that it can trigger a ‘dark night of the soul’ or spiritual awakening as it shakes us up and starts trying to clear all which is out of alignment with unconditional love.

Old belief systems, unhealed wounds, insecurities, the ego and old karma will come to the surface.

Our Twin Flame will reflect back to us all which is a block to union, we will come face to face with our darkest Demons and vanquish them once and for all, taking back our power.

Bringing Twin Flames Into Alignment With Unconditional Love 

The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine will push, pull and battle each other for balance and harmony, until both Twin Flames share equal parts of the feminine and masculine energy. It makes no difference what biological sex you and your Twin Flame are, each soul is a mixture of both feminine and masculine energy.

Typically males have more masculine energy and females more feminine energy but this certainly isn't always the case. When Twin Flames come together, the soul will try to distribute these energies more evenly between the two, until there is balance.

The Twin Flame mirror aids both souls with this energy balancing by reflecting and bringing to light exactly where more feminine/masculine energy is needed or needing to be healed.

Balance Between The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

As well as balancing the feminine/masculine energy, the Twin Flame mirror will reflect any areas where the ego has taken control.

The ego can trigger fear in us, when it starts to feel threatened and is a big cause for Twin Flames running from the connection.

Any past hurts which have been left unhealed will have no place in the Twin Flames divine union. So like everything else they will be reflected in the Twin Flame mirror so that the karmic cycle can play out and heal.

An example of this could be -

Your twin flame could hurt you emotionally, in a way you've been hurt before.

Until you recognise the cycle and where it started, so that it can be released & healed.

Twin Flame Karma

Twin Flames will also subconsciously act out roles to fulfil each other's unfinished karma. Karma created in past lives or in your current life, will need to be dealt with.

Example -

If you ever caused pain to anyone, like if your Twin Flame was already in a relationship with somebody else when you got together and their partner at the time got hurt, chances are your Twin Flame will mirror an equal hurt back to you and you to them.

(Discover more about Twin Flames who are already in a relationship here - What If My Twin Flame Is Already Married To Somebody Else?)

The Twin Flame mirror will reflect the truth, always. Lies, deceit and betrayals will all come to light to be forgiven and cleared. Again this can cause a feeling of vulnerability which can trigger one or both Twin Flames to run from the connection or become overwhelmed.

When Twin Flames do commit to each other and this process, it is always with divine right timing. Go strong and steady on your journey, handle any setbacks with grace, truth and love.

What has the Twin Flame Mirror reflected to you and your Twin Soul?

x Thank you for reading x

x Sending light and unconditional love x


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