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Twin Flame Exercise One - Mabon & The Equinox Twin Flame Exercises

Twin Flame Exercise 1 of 3

Twin Flame Exercises To Celebrate Mabon & The Equinox

Exercise One

Twin Flame Exercises For Mabon & The Equinox - Twin Flame Exercise One

Twin Flame Mabon & Equinox Exercises - 3 Activities To Celebrate Mabon With Your Twin Flame

Mabon is a pagan holiday and one of the Wiccan Sabbats that is traditionally celebrated at the time of the Autumn Equinox to celebrate the Harvest.

This year Mabon falls on September 22nd 2024 and is the perfect time to indulge in some Twin Flame activities… below is the first of three Twin Flame exercises that embody the spirit and traditions of Mabon, whilst creating moments of deep connection and gratitude with your Twin Flame.

3 Twin Flame Exercises For Mabon & The Autumn Equinox

You can do these fun Twin Flame activities solo or together with your Twin Flame, depending on your current situation, this is exercise number 1 of 3.

(Don’t Forget To Check Out This Month’s Twin Flame Forecast Before You Go - Twin Flame Monthly Readings)

Twin Flames, Mabon & The Equinox - Exercise One

Twin Flame Exercise One - A Twin Flame Feast Fit For A King & Queen, Twin Flame Mabon Exercise One

Twin Flame Exercise 1

A Twin Flame Feast Fit For A King & Queen

Around the time of the Equinox, choose a day that works best around your schedule and dedicate it to creating a magnificent feast in honour of your Twin Flame connection.

Now, you don’t need to spend the entire day cooking and slaving over a hot oven… but just put some time aside to create one special meal for you and your Twin Flame.

Step 1 - Planning Your Twin Flame Feast

After you’ve chosen a day which works best for you and your Twin Flame, it’s time to start planning your meal.

Put some thought into the kind of foods which remind you of your Twin Flame, maybe meals that you’ve enjoyed together in the past like a homemade recreation of a restaurant date or something you have both loved and enjoyed eating together.

It doesn’t have to be expensive or flashy, the magic is in the process, not the price… so please just choose something that’s comfortable within your budget, as this will be different for everyone.

Some good ideas to include could be using traditional harvest vegetables, recreating a favourite meal, soul food, foods that remind you of your Twin Flame or any meal which brings you comfort, nutrition and strength, try to avoid foods that leave you feeling zapped and sluggish if you can.

If you’re cooking a dish that you’re not familiar with or nervous testing out a new recipe, then take some time to plan out your cooking beforehand by writing out clear steps and times etc so you can follow them on the day… and of course you don’t have to make everything from scratch either! There’s no pressure for this to be completely homemade, as long as you have fun putting it all together buying some pre-prepared items is totally fine, just have fun with it and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Then, create your shopping list and grab your ingredients.

Twin Flame Bonding Exercise One - Twin Flames Celebrating Mabon & The Equinox

Step 2 - Preparing Your Twin Flame Feast

This step will vary slightly depending on whether or not you’re doing this activity together as a couple or on your own.

If you’re together, make the preparation of the meal part of the ritual itself. You can cook together, choosing tasks that play to each of your strengths. Enjoy the process of working as a team with your Twin Flame, this is a bonding moment for you both.

As you’re preparing and combining your ingredients… talk to your Twin Flame, reminisce about the good times, the way you met, how you feel about each other… speak about all those happy moments that cemented your love for each other… whatever it is that creates those warm loving feelings deep within you both - these strong loving vibes will become infused with your ingredients as you continue with your meal prep…

If you’re doing this Twin Flame activity solo, then imagine that every step you take in preparing your meal is an act of love for your Twin Flame. Visualise your connection growing stronger with each ingredient that you add… think of them and the deep love that you feel inside and visualise pouring that love into your ingredients… think of all the nutrients and strength that you wish to gift them and the deep connection that you feel for them as you cook.

(Are Twin Flames Telepathic?… Discover More & Take The Telepathy Poll Here - Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities)

Step 3 - Setting the Atmosphere for your Twin Flame Feast

The setting is just as important as the meal itself. Create a beautiful dining space that celebrates the season and the bond that you share with your Twin Flame. Decorate your table with autumn themed items like candles (safely!), leaves, pine cones or small pumpkins to honour Mabon.

Put on some nice music - songs that remind you of your Twin Flame or ones that are special to your connection can make it feel extra special and meaningful as well as triggering happy memories.

For Twin Flames who are apart, set your table with the intention of connecting energetically. You could light a candle (if it’s safe to do so) that symbolizes your Twin Flame or have a photo or a cherished item nearby that reminds you of them. You can even video call each other if distance is an issue, sharing the meal virtually, ensuring that your energy is connected even if you're physically apart.

Twin Flame Connection Exercise One - Twin Flames Celebrating Mabon & The Equinox, Twin Flame Exercises

Step 4 - Enjoying Your Twin Flame Feast

Once your meal is ready, sit down together or alone and take a moment before eating to express gratitude and give thanks - for the food, for the harvest and most importantly, for each other. This can be a simple, heartfelt thanks or a longer reflection on the blessings that you’ve shared in your journey as Twin Flames, you may even want to contemplate these things beforehand and have a list or statement ready acknowledging all of the wonderful blessings that your Twin Flame and the universe has brought into your life.

As you eat, focus on your Twin Flame and the connection that you share. Savour each bite and enjoy the warm, loving energy of the food, knowing that it was prepared with pure unconditional Twin Flame love.

If you’re together, this is a perfect time to talk about what you appreciate in each other and to reflect on how far you’ve come in your Twin Flame journey so far. It can be a good time to discuss your hopes and dreams for the future as well as an ideal moment to talk about all of the things that you love, admire and appreciate about each other.

If you’re apart, keep your Twin Flame in your heart and mind as you enjoy your meal, visualise the good times and imagine all of the wonderful possibilities that the future could hold for you and your Twin Flame.

Feel that deep love that was sparked the moment that you met them and remember what it was about them that made you think that you were Twin Flames in the first place. These happy memories can be powerful.

Step 5 - Closing Of The Twin Flame Feast & Reflection

After the meal, spend some time reflecting on your experience together as you clean up.

If you’re sharing this meal as a couple then continue your conversation, discussing your dreams, goals or even some of the challenges that you’ve had to overcome. This is a time to deepen your connection, strengthen your bond and master your teamwork as you discuss your thoughts and feelings from a place of honest acceptance.

For those who are apart, continue to focus on the love you hold for your Twin Flame and your hopes and dreams for the future and take that loving feeling forward with you as you tidy up.

Then take a moment to send your Twin Flame some of the loving energy that you’ve just created… You can do this through this quick visualisation - imagine the loving energy that you’ve just cultivated during your meal, reaching them and surrounding them with a warm loving glow… Feel the gratitude and deep love between you growing stronger and expanding out into the universe until it reaches and bonds with your own glowing energy.

Twin Flame Mabon & The Equinox Exercises & Activities - Twin Flame Exercise One

By the end of this activity you’ll have shared not only a nourishing, enjoyable meal but also meaningful moments of deep connection with your Twin Flame, that honour and strengthen your bond.

Thank you for reading, please let us know how you got on with this exercise down in the comments…

Sending you light & unconditional love on your Twin Flame Journey,

Chloe Marie-Ellen xXx


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