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Twin Flame or Soulmate Comparison Chart - Are They My Twin Flame or a Soulmate?

Twin Flame or Soulmate?

Differences between a Twin Flame and Soulmate Comparison Chart. Are they my Twin Flame or Soulmate?
Twin Flame or Soulmate Comparison Chart

Are they my Twin Flame or a Soulmate?

Twin Flames and Soulmates can share very similar experiences and it can be pretty tough to tell the difference sometimes.

Difference Between Twin Flames and Soulmates Comparison Chart

This handy Twin Flame or Soulmate Comparison Chart lists some of the subtle differences that may help us to tell them apart.

Please Note: This chart is in no way definitive and there are many other elements of the Twin Flame and Soulmate connection that are not listed here. It's also important to remember that many of these traits can happen in BOTH Twin Flame AND Soulmate relationships, so it should only be used as a rough guide.

(Don’t forget to check out this month’s Twin Flame Forecast!

Find this month’s reading Here - Monthly Twin Flame Forecast)


What are the most noticeable differences between Twin Flames and Soulmates?

Here are some common Twin Flame & Soulmate traits - Can you identify any of these elements in your relationships?

Twin Flame Traits:

  • Twin Flames will reflect and mirror each other.

  • Your Twin Flame may bring up past trauma, old wounds or hurts that need healing.

  • Meeting our Twin Flame can trigger our Spiritual Awakening.

  • Twin Flames may notice signs and synchronicities.

  • Twin Flames feel a strong sense of recognition and familiarity with each other.

  • We may experience a 'Dark night of the soul' or deep spiritual changes after we meet our Twin Flame.

  • You only have one Twin Flame.

  • Twin Flames may experience a subtle and brief "Runner/Chaser" phase.

  • Twin Flames will cause each other to self reflect.

  • Twin Flames can balance and compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses.

  • Twin Flames are usually romantically involved.

  • Twin Flames teach each other important soul lessons.

  • Twin Flames may have many differences and opposing opinions.

  • Twin Flames may have had many past lives together.

  • A Twin Flame relationship can be very challenging.

Soulmate Traits:

  • Soulmates are very compatible.

  • Once together, Soulmates rarely separate.

  • Your Soulmate will understand and accept you.

  • Soulmates hardly ever clash or argue.

  • Our Soulmate will guide and support us throughout life's lessons.

  • A Soulmate could be purely platonic or friendship based, without the desire to be romantic.

  • You can have many Soulmates and will most likely even experience multiple Soulmates at once, through various relationships and connections.

  • Soulmates can have shared past lives or they may be a new soul connection.

  • Soulmates are usually equal and balanced in many areas.

  • Soulmate relationships are extremely stable.

  • Soulmates share a lot of common ground.

  • A Soulmate relationship can be very calm and easy.

I hope you found this brief Twin Flame and Soulmate Guide helpful. Comment below with any Twin Flame or Soulmate Traits that I've forgotten to mention.

(What is a False Twin Flame? Find out Here - False Twin Flames & How To Identify Them)

x Thank you for reading x

x Sending you light & love on your journey x


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