August has feelings of things reaching boiling point and bubbling over!
It might be the heat of the season (or the constant rain if you’re in the UK) but niggles that have been building up over time are seemingly coming to the surface this month. Not necessarily anything important, maybe just petty things that have been building up for a while, silly things you may have let slide by are appearing and grating away. This may result in a sudden burst of irritability or a heated argument but luckily it’s short lived and apologies soon follow from both Twin Flames, with neither truly wanting to argue.
For those who are currently separated from their Twin Flame, this could manifest as frustration or anger with the twin flame journey or just in general, take some deep breaths and let those frustrations pass as quickly as they appear. Holding onto them serves you no purpose.
It’s August and the pressure’s on to have some summer fun, both twin flames are longing to simply enjoy the precious moments that this time of year has to offer but where there’s pressure, disappointment will often follow. Combat this by keeping an open mind and making the most of any situation - even if it hasn’t gone exactly to plan. Just go with the flow and embrace each joyous moment as it comes.
Wishing you a loving and fun filled August 💕