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Twin Flame Reading September 2023

Watercolour Amethyst Crystal with text “September 2023” for a Twin Flame Reading September 2023

September is a month for getting stuff done!

If you and your Twin Flame work together you have the potential to succeed in your goals.

Twin Flame Themes for September:

Unfinished business, getting it done, cooperation, teamwork, achieving, completing projects/goals

Twin Flame Reading - September 2023

This month is a bit like a rollercoaster - daunting, thrilling and full of ups and downs.

If you are in a relationship with your Twin Flame

Mood and energy might feel a little low at times, It might be a nice idea to practice some relaxation or meditation exercises to raise your vibration or make some time to have a bit of lighthearted fun together. Whatever helps you to keep your spirits high during the stresses and challenges of day to day life.

You might be super rushed off your feet, swamped with work or just feel like you’ve taken on too much right now, you might even feel like your Twin Flame hasn’t even noticed your struggles but remember they may be feeling the exact same way.

Communicate with your Twin Flame and explain to them what you’ve been going through, any worries you may have or if you need help don’t be too shy to ask for it, don’t forget to ask your Twin Flame how they’re doing too and offer your help and support to them if they need it. Sometimes just touching base with each other and checking in on how each other is doing is enough to make our struggles far less overwhelming and worrisome.

Working as a team and tackling challenges together also gives Twin Flames an opportunity to thrive. Twin Flames can often flourish when working together and any projects or goals you’re trying to achieve right now could benefit from your amazing connection.

If you are currently separated from your Twin Flame

You and you Twin Flame may be in separation right now but you may find that even if you’re not physically together at the moment you may still be in sync. Your Twin Flame could be faced with similar or corresponding obstacles or lessons as you are this month. Do your best to power on through and remember that even if you’re single you don’t have to face everything solo, reach out to a trusted friend or a much loved family member if you need some extra help right now.

It might be surprising just how many synchronicities you and your Twin Flame are experiencing together without even realising it. Twin Flames can often mirror each others learning as the journey unfolds (you can read more about that here - The Twin Flame Mirror - What Are You Reflecting…)

Thank you for reading x

Sending you unconditional love x

Chloe Marie-Ellen x


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