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October Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading - October 2023

Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading October 2023. Ace of cups, page of wands, 6 of swords tarot cards on a tarot card stand with words goal, block and advice

October Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading - October 2023

This months Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading. Goal, Block & Advice for Twin Flames in October 2023.

Goal - Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups Themes -

Divine Love, New Relationships, Creativity, Manifesting, Fertility, Friendship & New Beginnings.

Ace of Cups meaning for Twin Flames -

Twin Flames have a clear goal to reconnect and reunite, which the Ace of Cups demonstrates beautifully. You and your Twin Flame are on the path to unconditional love, October may bring new challenges and experiences into your connection this month but it’s all to keep you progressing along your Twin Flame path.

Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading October 2023. Goal -Ace of cups, Block - Page of Wands, Advice - 6 of Swords
Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading October 2023

Block - Page of Wands

Page of Wands Themes -

New Challenges, Lack of Experience, Distractions, Fun, Excitement & Confidence.

Page of Wands meaning for Twin Flames -

This October could present blocks or challenges to the Twin Flame connection but don’t fret - you got this!

Small niggles or unexpected obstacles may need to be worked out now but it’s all for the greater long term good.

Issues around “Fun” my arise for either one or both Twin Flames, whether it be having too much fun or not enough of it, it’s an important topic that’s worth exploring. After all, we’re not always our best selves when our lives are lacking in fun or excitement and when we over indulge and only think about having fun the consequences can be dire.

The Twin Flame connection strives to create balance, does anything feel a little unequal or unbalanced right now? - October may be the month to address those issues.

Twin Flame Reading October 2023

(Check Out Octobers in-depth Twin Flame Reading to discover more about this and what else October has in store for Twin Flames Here - October 2023 Twin Flame Reading)


Advice - 6 of Swords

6 of Swords Themes -

Changes, Transformation, Letting go of the past, Acceptance, Self- Reflection & Realisation.

6 of Swords meaning for Twin Flames -

Twin Flames can overcome October’s obstacles by going within and reflecting. We may be clinging to unhelpful past energy or cycles and it might finally be time to move on.

Reflecting on our own past and current behaviour and recognising times where we may be acting out of balance with our Twin Flame can work wonders, especially if your Twin Flame also takes the time to reflect upon their actions too. This can lead to long term positive changes in the Twin Flame relationship.

x Thank you for reading x

x October's Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading x


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