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Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities

Twin Flame Telepathy, Two Minds connected with brainwaves, pretty galaxy theme.

Twin Flame Telepathy

The Power of Twin Flames

Have you ever been thinking about your Twin Flame and then at that very second, they call you? ...

Twin Flames can develop psychic-like abilities within their connection.

The Twin Flame relationship sure has its struggles and difficulties to face throughout the journey but amongst the drama and the tears…there are some truly magical moments to behold.

When Twin Flames meet each other in the this lifetime, a phase of spiritual growth is triggered. This often leads to lessons and healing which helps to raise the Twin Flames Spiritual Awareness.

(Discover more about when Twin Flames first Meet Here - The First Encounter)

Do Twin Flames have Psychic Abilities?

Mystical galaxy style picture of Twin Flames and telepathic brainwaves

Throughout this complicated journey, Twin Flame couples can often develop almost supernatural-like senses with each other, it seems that the great depth of the soul connection can make the seemingly impossible - possible.

Twin Flames can become so in tune with each other that they can easily develop (what can only be referred to as) psychic abilities. I know, It seems a little “out there” and hard to grasp…but the Twin Flame connection runs so deeply that the couple are intertwined at a soul level and can become totally in sync with each other.

Twin Flames can match each others vibration perfectly, opening up channels to each other and creating potential for supernatural-like communications or telepathic interactions.

Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities

In this blog post I’ll discuss some of the different kinds of telepathic experiences that Twin Flames may encounter, with examples and some tips on how you can embrace these mystical abilities.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve experienced any telepathic or psychic moments in your Twin Flame relationship.

Some examples of Twin Flame Telepathy:

  • Telepathic / Remote Touch.

  • Feeling Intuitively Connected to your Twin Flame.

  • Picking up on each others thoughts and energy.

  • Sensing when your Twin Flame is thinking about you.

  • Shared Dreams/Astral Travel.

  • Empathically experiencing each others feelings and emotions.

  • Just knowing what each other is going to say.

  • Sensing that your Twin Flame is going to call you or that they are nearby.

  • Sharing similar experiences (although usually in different forms) at similar times.

(Using the Law of Attraction to find your Twin Flame, discover more Here - How To Attract Your Twin Flame & Manifest Union)

Twin Flames Psychic Connection

These mystical occurrences can happen naturally or even subconsciously between Twin Flames, with little to no effort needed. Often catching the Twin Flames off guard and leaving them wondering what just happened or if it was real.

If you communicate with your Twin Flame they will most likely be able to validate your experience as they probably felt it too. Then you can begin to recognise those spiritual abilities and use them as another way to express your love for each other.

Image of a hand against a purple space background Twin Flame Remote Telepathic Touch

Twin Flames and Psychic Touch (Remote Touch)

One of the most wonderful, surreal & exciting phenomena Twin Flames can experience is the feeling of remote touch, sometimes refered to as "psychic touch" or "telepathic touch".

Remote or Psychic Touch is when the mind/spirit is used to create the sensation of physically touching or being touched by your Twin Flame, instead of the body.

An Example of Twin Flame Remote Touch:

My Twin Flame and I were meditating together, we were sat cross legged, a few feet apart, facing each other. We meditated for around 20mins and at the end we spoke about our meditation session…

I was astounded when my Twin Flame said that whilst they were meditating they had visualised themselves sitting beside me and placing their hand on my chest, as if to feel my heartbeat…

I found this very sweet and touching statement so surprising because throughout my meditation I had constantly been distracted by a feeling of something on my chest...

It felt like I was wearing a large necklace, I even tried to sweep the necklace away whilst I kept my eyes closed and tried to refocus on my breathing, only to find that I wasn't wearing a necklace that day.

I couldn’t figure out what it was and I kept touching my chest throughout my meditation as it felt so much like something was on me that I worried there was a spider or something crawling over me.

I physically felt my Twin Flame’s touch, exactly where they had visualised touching me. I just didn’t realise it until after we discussed our meditation session. It was a beautiful moment when we both realised what we had just done and I believe that all Twin Flames and even soulmates can achieve these magical experiences too.

Discuss the concept of Remote touch with your Twin Flame and experiment with meditation and visualisation to experience for yourself the wonderful feeling of your Twin Flame touching you without even having to move.

Twin Flames meditating together and holding each other lovingly with a starry sky and moon above them.

Feeling Intuitively Connected to your Twin Flame

You might have noticed and already picked up on subtle feelings or energy from your Twin Flame, right from the very first moment that you met them. An unexplainable presence or certain feeling you have around them. It may be instant recognition, attraction, familiarity, comfort, etc but whatever it is, you can just instinctively feel something about them.

Being around your Twin Flame feels different to being around anybody else you’ve ever met before, being in their presence (or out of it) makes you feel noticeably different too, you may feel an underlying draw to your Twin Flame when you’re apart or a strange sense of wholeness when you’re together.

An example of feeling intuitively connected to your Twin Flame:

A good example of this is when Twin Flames first meet. I met my Twin Flame on a night out and I was introduced to them and a group of other people by a mutual friend, it was almost like I recognised them from the second we introduced ourselves and throughout the evening I just couldn’t help feeling like he was so familiar to me, like I’d already known him for years.

We spent the entire evening talking and laughing, completely at ease, like we’d been dear friends for a long time.

Your Twin Flame’s presence may feel so unexplainably familiar to you because deep down, your souls recognise each other and that deep bond you have can be sensed, even if we don’t understand it at the time.

(Don’t forget to check out this month’s Twin Flame Forecast!

Find this month’s reading Here - Monthly Twin Flame Forecast)

Picking up on your Twin Flames thoughts and energy

Twin Flames are highly connected souls, they can easily tune in to each others thoughts, feelings or energy under the right circumstances.

Have you ever been thinking about something and then your Twin Flame suddenly mentions the subject?

You may have these occurrences often, simultaneously just knowing what the other is thinking about or what’s playing on their mind. It’s like your souls are talking, even when you don’t say a word.

Sensing when your Twin Flame is thinking about you

As I’ve previously mentioned, Twin Flames can pick up on each others energies. You may be intuitively able to pick up on when your Twin Flame is thinking about you and vice versa.

An example of sensing when your Twin Flame is thinking about you:

Thoughts of your Twin Flame pop into your mind…then just a few moments later, your phone rings - and it’s them!

It’s like you could sense the moment that your Twin Flame thought about ringing you, during those few seconds it takes for them to grab their phone and tap on your name.

While your Twin Flame is physically acting out the few steps it takes to make a phone call - I.e. Pick up phone, find number, hit call, raise to ear etc…

They are strongly sending out their intentions to the universe to make contact with you and are even taking action upon those intentions by using their phone, however, you can pick up on their sheer intention to make contact with you…before they’ve even reached for their phone.

It’s like they popped into your mind at the split second they first intended to call you, leading you to sense that call before it even comes. Beautiful.

Twin Flames sharing dreams and astral travel.

Twin Flames Shared Dreams / Astral Travel

This one might be a little rarer or harder to achieve or it may even just come naturally as you progress throughout your journey and grow your connection with your Twin Flame. You may even dream of your Twin Flame or an entity that feels like them before you’ve even met.

Twin Flames have the potential to share dreams, sense each other in their dreams, meet in the astral realm or have similar dream experiences.

You can heighten your chances of this happening if both you and your Twin Flame intend it, meditating before bed and setting clear intentions for what you’d like to achieve while you’re asleep.

Have you experienced shared dreams with your Twin Flame?

Have you ever experienced Telepathy or Psychic occurrences with your Twin Flame?

  • 0%Yes, it happens all the time!

  • 0%Yes, we have but it’s rare.

  • 0%We experienced something like this once.

  • 0%No, we haven’t experienced anything like this before.

Empathically tuning in to your Twin Flame’s feelings or emotions

If you’re an Empath you may already do this in your day to day life but you may find it even stronger with your Twin Flame.

Twin Flames can Empathically pick up on each others emotions, feeling what the other may be feeling, either at the same time as them, in the moment or later on if a situation is being recalled or reflected upon.

You can empathise and sympathise with your Twin Flame to greater heights because of the strong intuitive connection you have between you.

When you’re together it can almost feel like your one energy and what you feel, you’ll feel together. Whether it be sadness, happiness or laughter, you can just effortlessly sense the mood.

You may even pick up on your Twin Flame’s emotions when you’re apart, all of sudden feeling what they’re experiencing I.e. slight frustration when they’re the one who’s stuck in traffic etc.

Do you recall a time when you’ve connected to your Twin Flame Empathically?

Just knowing what your Twin Flame is going to say

As mentioned above, you and your Twin Flame are so in sync with each other you may be able to sense their words, before they’ve even left their mouth.

Have you ever just known exactly what your Twin Flame was about to tell you?

It’s like Twin Flames can read each other on a vibrational level, it’s one of the reasons why Twin Flames lying to each other can be so pointless, often you’ll hear only the truth through any lies your Twin Flame tries to tell you, intuitively hearing more than they’re saying.

(Find out more about when Twin Flames Lie to each other Here - 15 Mistakes Twin Flames Can Make When They Reconnect In This Lifetime)

Twin Flames Sharing Past Experiences

Twin Flames often go through shared experiences over their lifetime, having many peculiarly similar experiences before they’ve even met.

When Twin Flames start getting to know each other and discover things about the other, they can often be surprised at just how many similarities they have had in their past.

Twin Flames may have had completely different upbringings but still, despite the huge differences, they find that they’ve had some very similar experiences and encounters on their path to meeting.

It’s almost like the universe has given each Twin Flame a little taste of what the other one has gone through, sometimes even at the exact same period of time as each other.

An Example of Twin Flames Sharing Past Experiences:

While I was getting to know my Twin Flame I discovered that they had been through a hard time during their school years. They were badly bullied and struggled to have friendships at school growing up.

This was the complete opposite of my school life, I loved school, had a close friendship circle and generally got on well with most of my peers.

However, when my parents separated I was moved schools for a year. At my new school I didn’t make friends and I was endlessly bullied by the other kids (and even the teachers!) it was a huge change from the school I had just moved from.

I had no friends there whatsoever, even the girl who lived next door, who I played with all the time outside of school would ignore me as soon as we entered the gates, so not to get picked on herself.

Luckily I was able to move back to my old school after a year. I experienced it just long enough to know and understand what my Twin Flame had gone through, the universe gave me a taste of what they were experiencing at the time.

When we looked back at the timing of our life events we realised that, the year I had spent at that horrible school was the same year in which my Twin Flame was going through a particularly bad patch of bullying.

Although this isn’t strictly a telepathic or psychic matter, it’s still a beautiful example of how Twin Flames can often find their paths matching up with synchronicities and unexplainable mystical occurrences.

Did you find that you and your Twin Flame had unexpected moments in common?

x Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog post x

I’d love to hear if you and your Twin Flame have experienced any of these or similar supernatural, psychic or telepathic occurrences.

Please take the poll above or leave a comment sharing your experiences of Twin Flame Telepathy below - Thank you, your insights are always appreciated

x Sending you light and happiness on your Twin Flame journey x

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