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Twin Flames & The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower - September 2024

The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower & The Twin Flame Connection

Date: September 5th 2024

Twin Flames & The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower

Twin Flames & The ε-Perseid Meteor Shower

The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower takes place from September 5th - September 21st 2024, reaching its peak on the 9th of September, bringing a touch of celestial magic to the Twin Flame connection.

The meteor shower will be most visible to those in the Northern Hemisphere, where there’s a chance to see shooting stars whizz across the night sky - don’t forget to make a wish!

The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower originates from an unknown long-period comet, meaning its originating comet has a very long orbit of at least 200 years or more to reach completion…but it could take as long as hundreds of thousands or even a million years to fully orbit the sun.

Much like the Twin Flame relationship, it cannot be rushed… its cycle is one of mother nature’s great marvels and it’ll go at its own pace, reminding us to slow down and acknowledge the bigger picture of where we’re heading. The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower may only be visible for a short time throughout the year but just like the Twin Flame connection… it’s always there behind the scenes, continuing its journey and heading steadily towards completion.

Twin Flames & The Constellation Perseus

The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower is located within the Constellation Perseus, next to a bright blue Giant Star named ‘Epsilon Persei’ giving it it’s name and making it a part of the Perseus Star Cluster - located around 250 million light-years away from earth.

The Constellation Perseus represents many great things within the Twin Flame connection including: Heroism, Strength, Courage, Guidance, Spiritual Evolution, Awakening, Victory & more…

Twin Flames, Perseus & Medusa

Perseus in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Perseus is the hero who is best known for slaying Medusa - The snake haired Gorgon whose deadly gaze could turn people to stone.

Armed with gifts from the gods, including a reflective shield from Athena and winged sandals from Hermes, Perseus beheaded Medusa by using the shield to avoid her deadly stare.

On his journey back he then rescued the princess Andromeda, who was chained to a rock ready to be sacrificed to the sea monster Cetus, by slaying the terrifying beast with his sword. Perseus then married Andromeda, making him one of the most famous and greatest Greek heroes of all time.

What monsters have reared their ugly heads in your Twin Flame connection?… and are they really as evil as they seem… or like Medusa, are they simply misunderstood - put yourself in their shoes and maybe through their eyes you’ll be the one who appears monstrous.

You too are armed with gifts from the gods, with all the tools you need to rise up into victory with your Twin Flame, with all you need to conquer any demon or obstacle that stands in your path.

Twin Flames and the Perseus Constellation

Twin Flame Heroism, Divine Protection & The Courage To Face Adversity

When Twin Flames meet and begin their journey back to unconditional love, they can often face great adversity along the way. From the many challenges and life lessons, to blocks and obstacles to overcome… which can manifest themselves as just about anything and everything.

The energies of Perseus carried by the Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower could bring moments of triumph and success for Twin Flames. You may see heroic action, bold displays of affection or defending of your honour during this time, as you and your Twin Flame take a stand in the name of love.

There may be times throughout this period when your Twin Flame is reminded that they are your true protector, your divine guardian on this earth sent here to cherish, love and protect you…

Weaknesses, dangers and threats to the relationship may become visible at this time, giving you the opportunity and the warrior energy needed to overcome and heal from these potential barriers to unconditional love.

Epsilon Perseids Activating Twin Flames Higher Purpose

Epsilon Perseids Activating Twin Flames Higher Purpose

This time may mark a period of mass activation for Twin Flames, bringing awareness and clarity to their Higher Purpose and providing the divine guidance and encouragement needed to move forward with confidence and grace.

Each soul has a Higher Purpose of their own, which will usually tie in with that of their Twin Flames, this can then lead on to them pursuing their joint mission together, as well as helping each other to achieve their own personal Higher Purpose in life.

Twin Flames Receiving New Blessings & Forms Of Abundance

This period can bring a whole host of new blessings and abundance, in ways that we may never have been able to imagine before.

New forms of unexpected abundance may be making their way into your life and into your Twin Flame connection.

The Epsilon Perseids Meteor Shower can bring a streak of good luck and you might feel extra lucky around this time, whilst also experiencing  multiple instances of good fortune. So, remember to give thanks and gratitude for all of the blessings that you and your Twin Flame may receive.

Thank you for reading, If you enjoyed this post and would like to make a donation to contribute towards the upkeep of this site you can use the button below, all contributions are greatly appreciated.

Wishing you light, luck and unconditional love on your Twin Flame journey,

Chloe Marie-Ellen xXx


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