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Twin Flames & Earth’s New Mini-Moon - Asteroid 2024 PT5 & The Twin Flame Connection

Twin Flames During Earths New Mini-Moon - Asteroid 2024 PT5 On The Twin Flame Connection - September 29th - November 25th 2024

Twin Flames & Earth’s New Mini-Moon

Asteroid 2024 PT5 & The Twin Flame Connection

Twin Flames & Earth’s New Mini-Moon - Asteroid 2024 PT5 On The Twin Flame Connection

Twin Flames & Earth’s New Mini-Moon - Asteroid 2024 PT5 & The Twin Flame Connection

Earth is about to experience a rare and wonderful cosmic event - a temporary second Moon!

From the 29th of September, Asteroid 2024 PT5 will enter the earth’s orbit, creating what’s called a Mini-Moon and it’ll stay with us until around the 25th of November 2024.

What effect could Asteroid 2024 PT5 have on the Twin Flame connection?…

Asteroid 2024 PT5 brings the sun’s revitalising energy into the Twin Flame connection - Twin Flames & Earth’s Mini-Moon

Earth’s New Mini-Moon Brings The Sun’s Powerful Energy Into The Twin Flame Connection…

Asteroid 2024 PT5 originates from the Arjuna asteroid belt, which is a group of asteroids that orbit our Sun, before passing close to Earth and being pulled into the Earth’s orbit - bringing the Sun’s powerful energies along with it!

Reenergising, revitalising & nourishing the Twin Flame connection with its bright, life giving light. Activating and reigniting our inner life force in areas that may have dulled over recent times.

But this light can also have a darkness as the Sun’s energies illuminates, the shadowy sides of ourselves begin to tiptoe into the light, revealing and reflecting things that we needed to see or acknowledge in order to move forward.

This kind of shadow work can be vital to the Twin Flame relationship as it enables moments of spiritual growth and progress towards union…

(Don’t Forget To Check Out This Month’s Twin Flame Forecast Here - Monthly Twin Flame Readings)

Twin Flames & Asteroid 2024 PT5 Forecast September 29th to November 25th. Twin Flame Reading For Earth’s Mini-Moon

Twin Flame Battle Of Egos

Issues surrounding Ego may arise within the Twin Flame relationship, especially around themes of leadership, independence, power balance and self expression…

Most of the time Twin Flames are on the same page, with their energies balancing and equalising harmoniously… but it doesn’t start out that way!… there’s always learning to be done and growth to be made. Ego is unfortunately going to pop up from time to time and throw a spanner in the works occasionally…

But it’s in those times that we learn a lot about ourselves and a lot about our Twin Flame… and ultimately progress is made when we put in the effort to work on those things, overcoming our egos and stepping into the light.

There’s little room in the Twin Flame relationship for unresolved Ego issues… especially if it comes at a cost to your divine counterpart. If what feeds their Ego is ultimately sucking the life out of yours, then there’s a serious imbalance going on. The Twin Flame connection will always be pushing these issues to the surface for Twin Flames to reflect upon and overcome.

Twin Flame Cycles In Motion

Asteroid 2024 PT5 will spend around two months gradually orbiting the Earth before joining back with the Arjuna asteroid belt to orbit the Sun once again.

Although this new Moon won’t complete a full orbit around Earth it still reminds us of how certain cycles, once started, must run their course…

Over this period Twin Flames may see cycles that started long ago finally making some progress…

Endings and new beginnings, achieving goals, overcoming an obstacle and events reaching their peak, could all begin to unfold around this time… bringing closure and relief where needed, as well as allowing for progress and fresh new cycles or phases to begin. Just in time for Twin Flames to step into the New Year.

(Have You Ever Experienced Psychic Phenomena With Your Twin Flame?...Discover More & Take The Telepathy Poll Here - Twin Flame Telepathy & Psychic Abilities)

Twin Flames Under Earth’s New Mini-Moon

It’s set to be an exciting couple of months as Asteroid 2024 PT5 creates a temporary second Moon above Earth, although it’s just a tiny fraction in size compared to our Moon, measured to be around just 33 feet wide, it’s energies can be just as powerful.

Even its size may be symbolic, with the number 33 being important in numerology as well as being a powerful angel number. 33 can symbolise guidance, teachings & mastery, creativity, encouragement and unconditional love…

Twin Flames Connecting To The Cosmos During Earth’s Mini Moon - Asteroid 2024 PT5 and the Twin Flame connection

Asteroid 2024 PT5 Connecting Twin Flames To The Cosmos

We’re reminded of how deeply we are connected to that which is outside of our own world, as Asteroid 2024 PT5 creates a new link between us, space and our sun, deepening our connection to the universe and to our Twin Flame.

You may be able to feel the bond between you getting stronger or just feel a deeper inner knowing and intuition surrounding your Twin Flame…

It can be a good time to go within and reflect upon those burning questions that have been occupying your thoughts for far too long… as new insights, information and ideas may flow more freely between September the 29th and November 25th while Asteroid 2024 PT5 shines brightly above us.

Twin Flames Feeling Pulled Back Together

Asteroid 2024 PT5 usually orbits our Sun… but it’s broken away from its usual path to spend a short 2 month visit orbiting Earth… before it’ll feel the forces of Mother Nature pulling it back to where it’s supposed to be, towards the end of November…

Twin Flames in separation may also begin to feel the universe’s gentle pull, guiding them back to their rightful place, on the path to union and back to unconditional love…

Thank You For Reading, Sending You Light & Love On Your Twin Flame Journey

Chloe Marie-Ellen xXx


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