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The Love Crisis - Toxic Masculinity/Femininity & The War On Love

Toxic Feminism & The War On Love - Is Love In Crisis?

The Love Crisis

Toxic Masculinity/Femininity & The War On Love -

Coming To Terms With The Current Love Crisis

Is it just me or does it feel like love is experiencing a crisis right now?…

I can only describe what I’ve seen play out over the last decade or so…as a “Love Crisis”…

As years of social media and other factors have created so much tension and distrust amongst the sexes, that they hardly want to interact or be around each other at all.

From toxic masculinity and feminism gone too far… it’s hard to even imagine a world where things could go back to how they were before.

It seems that on both sides of the coin, the voices that are being heard the loudest… are those voices that are filled with the most hatred or most extreme views… but it’s not necessarily just the likes of Andrew Tate that have contributed to this… and this can’t be blamed solely on the male population or “toxic masculinity”…

Not when people like Rachel Zegler so openly and so (seemingly) smugly express their (what comes across as) outright hatred for men…   

Toxic Femininity Contributing To The Love Crisis

When speaking about her role as Snow White in Disney’s new live action remake, Rachel Zegler claimed that the original movie was “weird”… and that the Prince basically “Stalks” her… before continuing to say that in the new movie, Snow White’s “not going to be saved by the Prince and she’s not going to be dreaming about true love”…

She even joked that maybe all of the prince’s lines could get cut from the movie, just emphasising how little respect she has for not only the role and a much loved classic fairy tale but also Andrew Burnap the actor playing the Prince (or the new character replacing the role of the Prince in the original movie)… at the very least what she’s expressed is extremely rude and egotistical but it also paints a strong picture that women could do away with men all together and that they’re lives would be better for it… which again just simply isn’t true or fair.

Taking the original hero of the story and declaring him to now be a villain… or ultimately, useless… is just simply dishonest and only adding to this era of hate and distrust we are finding ourselves in now.

Since when was it a bad thing to dream about finding true love?… surely, no one’s out there dreaming up a terrible or toxic love for themselves, so,  I can only conclude that it’s love itself that they feel needs to be stomped out all together… like it’s some sort of dangerous, unpredictable element that the world has decided (on everyone’s behalf) that it can do better off without.

I cannot even fathom what good or benefit to humanity this hateful narrative is going to serve… I can’t see how this constant pushing of distrust and hate for each other can lead to anywhere good for humankind.

At a time when we claim to be more awake and aware than ever of how crucial unconditional love is to our planet, we are constantly being bombarded with messages telling us the exact opposite. We’re being told to distrust each other, we’re being told to fear each other, we’re being gradually steered away and discouraged from finding true love…. and it’s doing us a total disservice. This war on love needs to end… and love needs to come out victorious.

(Don't forget to check out this month's Twin Flame Reading Here - Monthly Twin Flame Forecast)

Snow White’s Rachel Zegler Says the Prince is weird and rejects true love.

Toxic Culture Between Men & Women Is At An All Time High - Creating Maximum Distrust Between The Sexes

Here are some examples of just a few of the shocking things I’ve seen circulating online that have completely spiralled out of control over the last few years…

Firstly, so many women now have been caught filming themselves working out at the gym, setting up innocent men to appear as though they are leering or behaving in a “creepy” way towards them… to the point that men feel as though they have to walk around with their eyes directed towards the ground, out of fear of being accused of something terrible.

Some women seem to even go as far as doing all they can to attract looks and attention from those around them, deliberately acting out unnecessarily over-sexualised “work outs” then acting appalled that someone looks at them (usually just in shock at their disrespectful behaviour rather than because they find them attractive) and it seems they are doing this simply for attention and a boost in likes/followers, seemingly unaware and ignorant to the fact that what they are implying could ruin peoples lives.

Men and women are more divided than ever - The Love Crisis

Examples like this are just causing an even bigger divide and more feelings of discomfort to be around the opposite sex, I imagine that soon men will be calling for their own separate spaces completely, as they clearly won’t be safe in a gym where everyone is welcome, which is a terrible place for the world to be at.

Of course I’m not saying that there aren’t bad people out there who behave inappropriately in gyms, there are definitely countless genuine cases where both men and women have been in danger from predators in places like this… and of course those people should be immediately reported to staff/police when necessary… but what we’re unfortunately seeing often now is lots of women jumping to the extreme conclusion that every man who looks her way must have bad intentions of some kind, which obviously isn’t going to be true in the majority of cases.

In my opinion it’s even damaging to those people who could be at risk of falling victim to predatory behaviour, as constant accusations over innocent things could lead to genuine reports being taken less seriously and people not being listened to when they do try to report someone for actual “creepy” behaviour… which is extremely worrying.

Another thing I’ve been seeing more and more of is men warning and advising other men not to get married and listing all of the ways in which marrying will “destroy their lives”… from the legal ramifications if things don’t work out to blasting women for being horrible human beings who only want to use them. The message to the guys out there is clear and it seems that many now have the view that marriage is more trouble and more risk than it’s worth.

Again there are a lot of horror stories out there where marriages have gone disastrously wrong… and couples that once seemingly loved each other suddenly become worst enemies… but again I’d like to think that isn’t the majority of cases and there are millions of happily married couples all over the world who absolutely do not regret the decision that they made to marry their partners… but unfortunately we always hear more about when things go wrong, than when they go right. It’s just more “newsworthy” or “clickable” than reading about your average everyday married couple, unfortunately.

I’ve also noticed that terms that were once portrayed as “empowering” to women, like “girl boss” and “feminism” now seem to find themselves attached to a whole array of negative and damaging attitudes and egotistical world views, where men are being unduly demonised and thrown to the lions… and women are being dragged into ideologies and lifestyles that aren’t making them as happy or leaving them feeling as satisfied and content as they were led to believe they would.

New terms have also emerged that are equally damaging and it seems that any act of kindness or consideration a man shows to a woman can get him ridiculed by his friends and labelled a “Simp”… its no wonder that they’d want to avoid this humiliation and may choose to withdraw or hold back from interactions with someone they like if they think the consequences will lead to bullying and ridicule. It’s so sad to see how uncomfortable we are making each other feel over matters of the heart and the relationships that we have.

And perhaps the most concerning and extreme of all are the incels spreading absolute venom. Usually it’s men aiming their bitterness towards women but from what I’ve read, women are also a part of this awful group of people and share the same horrendous views. I won’t even go into more detail on this one as it’s honestly too awful to ever write about here… but such hateful views are scarily becoming more common and widespread.

These are just some of the many examples I could have listed here, so please feel free to add any important examples that I’ve missed in the comments below…

All of these examples, are just a small part in this monumental divide we’re seeing take place between men and women right now. I fear that there may be even more barriers to love and obstacles to overcome than there ever has been. Stay strong on your journey and stay true to yourself, as there is so much harmful stuff going around right now, that all seem to have it out for love and happy relationships.

The Horrible Truth…

The horrible truth is that both men and women have the potential to be horrible people and do horrible things, we all need to be able to spot an abusive or controlling partner, no matter what sex we are, nobody should ever tolerate being in an abusive relationship of any kind.

There have been so many real injustices and inequalities between the sexes in the past, present and future, awful things that effect all sides, there’s understandable anger and frustration… but painting everybody with the same brush and saying things like “all men are bad”…”all women are gold diggers” etc isn’t the answer… it’s now more than ever, that instead of being against each other, we need to come together and show care and support to each other, unified as one, no matter what sex you are.

We shouldn’t be in competition with each other, we should be helping each other to reach our full potential… we shouldn’t fear each other or want to get one up on each other, we should be encouraging, supporting and building each other up… quite simply put… “you don’t find your own power by taking away somebody else’s”…

Twin Flames Create Their Own Love Story…

How Can Twin Flames Survive This Toxic Era?…

I believe that Twin Flames will be able to overcome these difficult times in the long run… because they are destined to…

The Twin Flame journey has always been full of hardships and obstacles to overcome on the path to true unconditional love, these are just more modern blocks than the world has seen before, with the humongous leaps mankind’s made in technology, we’re seeing repercussions that we could never have imagined or truly anticipated.

But I believe that with time and a little help from fate along the way, that Twin Flame couples who are destined to come together will unite and help to light up the way back to pure unconditional love. Showing others that it’s  okay to desire and search for true love… and that happiness and a good, healthy relationship are possible and within reach to everyone.

Thank you for reading, sending you light and love on your journey x


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