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What is a Twin Flame?

What Is A Twin Flame Connection?

What is a Twin Flame? - Your Divine Counterpart.

Twin Flames

What is a Twin Flame?

Twin Flames are a new age spiritual concept - It’s a relationship between two people that goes far beyond Soulmates and other significant soul connections.

It’s said that Twin Flames begin as one soul at the point of creation.

Twin Flames are said to have originated from the same cosmic source, starting out as ‘One Soul’ at creation and then splitting into two individual souls to incarnate - either together or separately.

The Twin Flame souls split into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy (This isn’t based on the Twin Flame’s gender but the mix of divine feminine and masculine energy that’s within all of us) Each Twin Flame will have a mixture of both Masculine and Feminine energy, which will complement and balance out between the Twin Flame couple perfectly, as they progress throughout their journey.

Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energy

The two souls then embark on their journeys - experiencing life, lessons, spiritual growth and whatever else they need to learn to spiritually evolve to the point that they can begin the path back to each other and eventually into union.

Our Twin Flame is our Divine Counterpart

Twin Flames are each other’s divine counterparts - matching, mirroring and balancing each others energy perfectly.

Twin Flames and past lives

Twin Flames may incarnate over many lifetimes, sometimes they’ll do this together and they may have experienced many different forms and circumstances over a great number of past lives. Or sometimes just one soul will incarnate with the other assisting from the spirit world like a spirit guide.

Throughout these lifetimes, Twin Flames can create and play out cycles of karma, complete lessons, soul missions and learning, all to guide the souls back to each other and to pure unconditional love.

Meeting your Twin Flame

When the two souls are destined to meet they will be guided and feel drawn towards each other, their souls will instantly recognise each other, creating strong feelings of familiarity for the Twin Flames.

(Find out more about when Twin Flames meet Here - When Twin Flames Meet, The First Encounter)

The twin flame connection is often intense and full of synchronicity, signs and divine occurrences and goes beyond what we have experienced with romantic relationships before.

Twin Flames are often described as being a mirror image of one’s own soul and are sometimes referred to as “Mirror Souls” because of their uncanny ability to mirror each other.

(Discover more about Twin Flames Mirroring each other Here - The Twin Flame Mirror, What Are You Reflecting?)

Is a Twin Flame the same as a Soulmate?

Twin Flames differ from soulmates, as we can have many soulmates but we only have one Twin Flame. Meeting our Twin Flame can accelerate our spiritual growth and trigger cycles of karma, spiritual awakening, soul learning and more.

There can be many challenges, lessons and obstacles along the Twin Flame journey to overcome, all to guide Twin Flames towards pure unconditional love. This can be a very different kind of relationship to what Soulmates share.

(Learn more about the subtle differences between Twin Flames & Soulmates Here - Twin Flame or Soulmate Comparison Chart)

Does everybody have a Twin Flame?

Yes, it is said that everybody has a Twin Flame, they are the other half of our soul. But this doesn’t mean that everyone is destined to meet and unite with their Twin Flame, the pair could have many more lifetimes worth of soul growth and life lessons to experience first.

A Twin Flame isn’t necessarily something to wish for…

As magical and wonderful as a Twin Flame relationship sounds, it’s not without its hardships. Not everyone is destined to meet their Twin Flame yet and being stuck in the belief that you should, can be extremely limiting to your soul development.

There are so many other amazing Soul connections you may be blocking yourself from experiencing by placing all of your hopes and desires on a Twin Flame relationship.

We may be destined to share an enriched, passionate and fulfilling life with a beloved Soulmate. Which would be absolute bliss. So, we should never limit ourselves to only the idea of finding our Twin Flame.

As well as this, the Twin Flame relationship has been heavily over-romanticised in recent years. It’s not some fairytale love story, it can be a very challenging and difficult relationship, not something to wish upon oneself lightly.

(Avoid these common Twin Flame mistakes in your connection, find out more Here - 15 common mistakes Twin Flames make when they reconnect)

Are Twin Flames Real?

It's important to note that the concept of Twin Flames isn't universally accepted. Some people are certain that Twin Flames, Soulmates and other important soul connections exist, while others are more skeptical to such beliefs. However, for those who’ve met their Twin Flame and experienced the depth and the magic of the connection for themselves, there’s no denying that such a bond exists.

x Thank you for reading x

x Sending You Light & Love On Your Journey x


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