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Why haven’t I met my Twin Flame yet?

Watercolour rain cloud on blog post and finding your twin flame

Why haven’t I met my twin flame yet?

If you have not met your twin flame yet then stop reading, stop looking & stop researching twin flames. Release your thoughts, feelings, desires & intent for your twin flame to the universe. This will allow the universe to start you on your own unique journey.


When we come across the term "Twin Flames" before meeting our own, seeing it in another couple or experiencing it first hand we can fall into a trap of unauthenticity. Even the strongest willed and clearest thinkers can easily fall into this trap. We start to look and research more and more, we start to see it in everyone we meet, we question and overthink anyone new entering our lives and make ourselves vulnerable to attracting the wrong kinds of people or even a dreaded false twin flame.

Focusing on a twin flame connection when you just might not be quite ready yet can block the natural flow of any new relationship or experiences the universe might be offering us, we might miss a chance to grow and develop, we can start to overthink things and see signs that just aren’t really there.


Remember your signs and synchronicities will be personal to you, your twin and your journey as a couple. Don't think that what has happened for others will happen to you in the exact same way, you must let go of what you think or expect to happen and just allow and trust the universe to take care of it.


Don't worry, the universe wont let you miss a true sign, it always gets its message across. you don't need to search for a sign everywhere you go. A true sign will smack you in the face, fall into your lap, appear before your eyes, loud and clear, appearing persistently, stamping its feet until it’s heard. A true sign will come to you right in the midst of day to day life, they appear naturally with no effort on your part, they flow, guide and change as you do ,as your journey unfolds. They vibrate and resonate with and to you, they cannot be forced, for this would be our imaginations, not out intuition.


Our imaginations are our thought processes, our beliefs, ideas, opinions & upbringing playing out. Where as our intuition is our deep instinct, our inner knowing, it flows naturally with ease, its just knowing. The two work closely together, but in the twin flame scenario you definitely want your intuition in charge, not your imagination.


So let go of what you've read, and how you think its meant to be, and just let it be. Wake up tomorrow knowing that the universe is handling it for you, and live your life. It will all unfold in divine right timing, let go of what you "expect" to happen and make room for what's "meant to be" to flow into your life. Surrender is the Key.

(For more information on the Twin Flame connection check out "The Twin Flame Mirror - What are you reflecting?...")

Thank you for reading

x Sending you unconditional love x


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